2-hour Free Online Conference with The Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations of the North!

MARCH 28, 2020 at 11am Pacific
Watch the Live on Youtube or Connect with Zoom!


Join us in an online gathering that the Mother Earth has called. Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change – including

Sami delegates—Elin Teilus & Erika Unnes (Sweden),
Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Milo Yellow Hair (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape, USA),
Luisah Teish (Iyanifa and Oshun Chief, USA),
Jyoti (Elder, USA),
Kurikindi (Sumae Causai, Ecuador),
Jingki (Aboriginal, Australia),
Devena (Aboriginal, Australia),
Jarmbi (Aboriginal, Australia),
Ivy Smith (Representative of Maori ( NZ) & Polynesian people)
Flordemayo (Mayan, USA),
Alexis Bunten (Yupik, USA),
Randy Lays Bad (Oglala Sioux, USA),
Uncle Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland),
Mindahi Bastida ( Otomi, USA, Mexico),
Xiye Bastida (Otomi, USA, Mexico),
Mamo Manuel (Kogi, Colombia),
Mamo (Arhuaco, Colombia),
Sahil (representative for Idu Mishmi, India)
Mahesh (Bishnoi, India)