Gathering for Humanity - Save the Date

Awaken through the Seeds of Knowledge & Wisdom

Santa Fe, New Mexico
May 16th to 20th 2018

Honored  Guests include:
Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance
Grandmother Moetu Taiha
Grandmother SaSa
Grandmother Pershile
Geri Littlejohn
Leah and Joanne Shenandoah

Greetings Ambassadors of Peace, Compassion, Love & Light:

We are healers in our own right.
We need to continue to keep healing all that is around us.
We are being called to one central point.
We need to see each other in our eyes and know we are one and the same.

All of those who hear the calling to come to the Gathering of Humanity. It is because our hearts are calling to gather the people of all nations, to pray together so we can bring healing to ourselves, family, community, and all Nations around the Globe.  We are meeting at The Chi Center in the beautiful “Land of Enchantment” New Mexico.

Join me on a personal quest for healing, everyone is invited in person or remote, we are all in need at this moment.

Bless yourself,
