Honored to be named 2021 New Thought Walden Award Honoree for Interfaith / Intercultural Understanding
2021 New Thought Walden Award Honorees by Katy Koontz and Molly Pennington, Ph.D.
The New Thought Walden Awards, now in its fourth year, honors a wide variety of people in various professions who use New Thought principles in their work and in their own lives. This year, we’ve chosen 21 honorees—three in each of six categories plus three additional single awards. As usual, the honorees include those who are well-known as well as those whose names you may not yet be familiar with.
The Waldens, initiated by Unity, are administered by a joint partnership of eight of the country’s largest New Thought organizations: Unity, Centers for Spiritual Living, Association for Global New Thought, Agape International Spiritual Center, Universal Foundation for Better Living, the Affiliated New Thought Network, Divine Science Federation International, and the International New Thought Alliance. Together, we carefully considered both names nominated by the public as well as our own ideas in making our final decision.
Our goal is both to honor these exceptional individuals as well as to inspire all of us to express our divine potential in making the world a better place for all.
Visit waldenawards.com for the complete list.